- Allowed Items
- Cardboard
- Commercial Industrial Waste
- Construction and Demolition waste
- Food waste
- Household waste
- Magazines & Brochures
- Mixed Metals
- Mixed Recyclables
- Papers & paper products
- Timber
- Subsoil / Topsoil
- Pottery & china
- Wood and wood products
- Vegetable matter
- Prohibited Items
- Animal remains or carcasses
- Asbestos
- Batteries
- Chemical Waste
- Contaminated soil & stones
- Electrical goods e.g. fridges, microwaves, televisions, computers, etc
- End of life vehicles, tires
- Fluorescent light bulbs /lighting
- Hazardous hospital waste (including sharps containers etc)
- Inks, Paints, or empty paint tins
- Waste Oils
- Photographic waste
- Pressurized vessels e.g. fire extinguishers
- Road Sweepings
- Sludges